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Classical Blog Exhibit

[Joseph Wright of Derby (1734-1797), An Experiment on a bird in the Air Pump, 1768 oil on canvas, 
72 x 96 1/16 in. Presented by Edward Tyrrell, 1863.]

    The first art piece is called "An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump" painted by Joseph Wright of Derby (1734-1797). This oil painting was completed in 1768 on a 183 cm x (72 in x 94 1/2 in) canvas that is now housed at the National Gallery in London. The story behind this painting is more terrifying than fascinating about what science can actually show you. In the picture, we can see a lot of different expressions being shown but I would say that it shows two different perspectives of things between an adult and a child. From the adults, we can see their fascination for what they have seen and learned from this experiment shown by the man in red robes. While we see disturbed looks by the children with what they seen. "The true subject of the painting might therefore be human nature as it is affected by the material creations and discoveries of the Industrial and the scientific age." (Co).

"Although some of his paintings have been associated with the industrial Revolution of the 18th century, Wright's principal interest was in the dramatic rendering of light and shade offered by such subjects." (“Joseph Wright ‘of Derby’ (1734 - 1797) | National Gallery, London”). This art piece has shown itself to be part of a Neoclassical Style as it shows itself to be part of the "Age of Enlightenment" with discovering the study of science. With having the science experiment be in the middle of everything and how it is the only thing that creates that light glow in a very dark room, proves just how much important science was.

[Bejamin Franklin Drawing Electricity from the Sky, an artistic rendition of Franklin's kite experiment painted by Benjamin West, c. 1816]

    The second piece is "Benjamin Franklin Drawing Electricity from the Sky" painted by Benjamin West (1738-1820). This oil painting put on a 13 3/8 x 10 1/16 in. (34x25.6 cm) slate an its housed location is in Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia. The story behind this painting is that as we can see is based of Benjamin Franklin's Kite Experiment with Lightning. "Franklin observed that lightning frequently destroyed homes by igniting those made of wood. Franklin was determined to prove the presence of electricity in lightning through an experiment." (“Wikiwand - Benjamin Franklin Drawing Electricity from the Sky”). Of course, this experiment of his was done is private because it would have been dangerous for this to be done in a public area filled with people and the other is that he doesn't want to disappoint the scientific community should the experiment ever failed.

This painting has two styles that allowed West to combine it together to create a sense of mystery. One of the styles includes elements commonly used in romantic paintings, such as religious motifs and sublime aesthetics. While the other style is more towards Neoclassical paintings which represents the cherubs and theme of heroism (“Wikiwand - Benjamin Franklin Drawing Electricity from the Sky”). When we look at the painting, the first thing that would notice us is Franklin holding a key up in the sky waiting for the lightning to appear. The second thing that made me notice about this painting are the cherubs surrounding him and how they seem to be helping him with the science. What's more interesting about these cherubs is that they are all males which is what I believe shows the masculine characteristics.

Joseph Wright of Derby, A Philosopher Giving a Lecture at the Orrey (in which a lamp is put in a place in the sun), c. 1763-65, oil on canvas 4'10" x 6'8" (Derby Museums and Art Gallery, Derby)

This painting shows a machine that represents how the sun travels across the sky and with both adults and children surrounding it, it also shows how both are learning through this science experiment. This art piece was created for the "Age of Enlightenment" as it was "closely associated with not only scientists and inventors but also writers and artists." (Fox). We have seen how in the first art piece shows children in horrid manner when seeing the bird suffer from the air pump, but this art piece shows children in wonder of the machine. Science was a something that can bring both horror and fascination to any age, depending on how far their wonder goes.

This art piece is another example of have the science machine being the center of attention from the picture, as light reflect from it to both the people and the dark room. To me, this also shows how important science was during that time. The only light source in the picture shows of the dimensions and colors of the clothes worn by figures present, especially the man who was wearing a red robe around him.

    I wouldn't own any copies of these paintings because they are not the kind of art pieces that I would buy, but they are pieces that I would look at if I visit the art museum they reside in. It's much more interesting to learn the history behind each painting of what the artist is thinking and capturing.

Co, Art History. “An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump: Joseph Wright of Derby.”, 13 Oct. 2022,

Fox, Abram. “Joseph Wright of Derby, a Philosopher Giving a Lecture at the Orrery – Smarthistory.”, 8 Jan. 2016,

“Joseph Wright ‘of Derby’ (1734 - 1797) | National Gallery, London.”,

Stamberg, Susan. “A Mad Scientist and His Bird in a Bubble: The Story behind a Peculiar Painting.”, 15 Mar. 2022,

- “Wikiwand - Benjamin Franklin Drawing Electricity from the Sky.” Wikiwand, Accessed 20 Mar. 2024.


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