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Introducing Myself

 Hello Everyone,

    My name is Sallie Nicole Delos Reyes, but you all can call me Sallie. I am 21 years old, and I major in Early Childhood Education. I decided on this major because someday I want to be a preschool teacher and taking an art class would be very helpful to my future career. I was born from the Philippines, but my mom decided to move both of uses to the U.S. in order to be with my dad. Things I like to do are singing, dancing, baking, reading, writing, and anything to do with art. Although I am not really one for physical exercise, I have a love for traveling.

 Since I want little, I was always drawing everything I could think of, and growing up exploring new things just really got me to try different art styles. Although drawing is my main talent of art, this doesn't mean that I don't try other things that has to do with art. When I was little, I dreamed to be a fashion designer and so that got me to draw and color constant different clothes and dresses. I drew so much that, I got a whole box full of Sketchbooks for drawing and painting, along with different art supplies.  Since I took art during my junior and high school years, I do have some art that I own and did. Last year, I started to explore drawing on technology which is hard to do because of the many tools and settings to learn. How I got my inspiration of what to draw from reading my books, exploring and traveling different places, and even through the music I listen to.

    Since my dad work in the military, we get to move and travel a lot to different places. My favorite move would probably be in Italy because of the different art structure, ancient history, and beautiful places. The favorite places we traveled to are Rome, Pisa, and Venice. Each place has their own beauty to them, and it almost feel like you were traveling back in time being in that place. I was really excited when I got to visit "Juliets Balcony" and being outside the balcony, I could almost picture how the story happened. I have also visited museums, which were amazing because of the different structures, history, and most of all the different paintings from the past. I got to also visit a famous painting in Paris, France, the "Mona Lisa". When I saw the painting, there were a crowd of people all around it and this one painting is the only thing you see hanged up for the people to see. 

This piece, "The Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh, is one of my favorite paintings because of my love for the night sky.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This class will be more meaningful for you because you have traveled. Art and kids go together. Good for you for taking this class.

  3. i would love to go to Europe and especially to Italy!

  4. traveling really adds a special aspect to art because you've experienced so many amazing places and sights! Greece is definitely on my travel bucket list!

  5. I was very fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel to Europe and also see the Mona Lisa. I did not quite have the appreciation for art at such a young age, but I tell you now when people talk about art and the Mona Lisa, I am lucky to even had that experience because not many do and so many would like too.


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